Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ankara - June 30, 2009

The highlight of our learning experiences today in Ankara was a trip to Olgunlasma Enstitusu, an arts college where ebru was demonstrated. Then, I had the opportunity to use this ancient technique to paint the lovely silk scarf that's pictured.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

In Ankara

After 28 hours enroute, our weary group of 16 has arrived in Ankara, from the word "angora" (goats whose fleece makes beautiful wool for sweaters) or "ank" (horns on shoulders of ancient diety). We had a 90-minute workshop tonight to try to dispel stereotypes. Then, we had a light Turkish supper at a restaurant near the hotel. I had delicious red lentil soup!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ready to fly to Istanbul

I've been up since 4:00 a.m. in Austin. After going through Atlanta, we're here ready to leave at 4:30.p.m. for Istanbul. We're a bit tired, but everyone is in good spirits and excited about the cultural experience awaiting us. I've noticed that lots of females (probably Muslim) waiting for this flight are wearing headscarves.

Friday, June 26, 2009

PDO University of Texas, Austin

1. UT at Austin has an approximate enrollment of 42,000 students.
2. UT has the largest department in Middle Eastern studies in the nation.
3. Heatwave in Austin--103 degrees plus!

After seminar I went to a museum exhibit of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. A rubai is a four-line poem (like haiku). Over 2000 rubaiyat are ascribed to Khayyam (Persian/Iranian poet) who lived during the eleventh century. The final line of a Khayyam rubai often contains a "sting in the tail" that elucidates the ideas in the previous lines.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Bir (one) day left and much to do!

Like Joseph Campbell, Reza Aslan emphasizes the mythological and social origins of religions. Aslan asserts, "All religions are inextricably bound to the social, spiritual,and cultural milieux from which they arose and in which they developed. It is not prophets who create religions" (2006, 17).

Monday, June 22, 2009


Iki (two) days remaining until PDO!

I've purchased my adaptor plug and am ready to pack it so that I can recharge my camera battery and plug in my netbook.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Uc (three) days remaining before PDO! I fly to University of Texas, Austin, on Wednesday.

Tony supplied me with his leather carry-on bag that crushes flat. If I purchase only a few items--prayer rug, Iznik pottery, ebru, and "evil eye" jewelry (that Vanessa as a Governor's School student must have)--then something to haul items home is essential. I say I won't buy any souvenirs, but always eat my words.

BTW, anyone who has recently decided to follow along may want to scroll back to the first post for a rough translation of my blog title. I'll share more about the Turkish language after our five hours of immersion during PDO.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Dort (four) days until PDO at University of Texas! Next Saturday I'll be in Istanbul and in Ankara on Sunday!

Old feet--new shoes! I finally purchased some supportive walking sandals for the middle two weeks of trekking through the ruins and historical sites in Anatolia(central) and the southwestern region of Turkey. These comfortable ones are by ecco.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Bes (five) and counting! Nasilsiniz? (How are you?)

So much to do; so little time!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Merhaba (Hi)! Alti (six) days before the Fulbright experience begins and much to do in addition to working through Monday.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Only yedi (seven) days until PDO (pre-destination orientation) at University of Texas, Austin!

Used Barnes & Noble gift card (from the five elementary gifted specialists) to purchase No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam by Reza Aslan, an internationally acclaimed religious scholar. Turkey is a secular state that is 99% Muslim.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sekiz (8) days and counting

Gunaydin (good morning)! Off to the office.

I was evaluated today. The director wrote a letter of commendation to accompany it.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Christopher Rose, our PDO coordinator at University of Texas, Austin, asked for orientation ideas when several speakers dropped out (for legitimate reasons). Suggested topics included the Kurdish situation and Istanbul's history. However, Chris liked my suggestion about inviting a specialist from the fine arts department to demonstrate and inform us about ebru, Iznik tiles, and Turkish carpets. In fact, he noted that the father of one of the speakers is an ebru master. Ebru is the Turkish art of making marbelized paper--water marbling--with stylized tulips usually incorporated into the design.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I can't believe it's only 10 days 'til PDO!

We enjoyed every single minute with family in SC and TN this past weekend. After spending last night at Lura's in SC, we drove the boring eight hours home today.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Only 11 days 'til PDO

Enjoying granddaughter in Knoxville, TN

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two Weeks

Only 14 more days before pre-departure orientation (PDO)!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Down to 15 days and counting

Busy day at work trying to complete the gifted eligibility process. We should finish tomorrow morning--with any luck at all.

Look at this. I'm excited! Old dogs can learn new tricks! I figured out how to use the color accent mode. There's so much more my Canon G9 can do if I could only find the time to fiddle with it.

Monday, June 8, 2009

16 days and counting

"Blue Boogie" duet that Shelly Montanez (Lab School teacher) and I played was the opening performance of the Operation Smile talent show gala tonight at Indian River Middle School.
Suzanne Ingram (Lab School teacher) presented check to Operation Smile representatives. Mr. Unger is Operation Smile CEO and Suzanne's father.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Only 17 more days

Only 17 more days before PDO and Turkey, but we'll be seeing Vanessa and baby Skye first!

How does one pack for a month?

I can check both pieces without additional charges going over on Delta, but will have to carry on the smaller bag when we return unless I decide to pay an extra $50!

News Article

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Saturday, June 6, 2009


I have so much to accomplish in these final 18 days before the Fulbright-Hays Summer Abroad program begins with pre-departure orientation (PDO) at UT in Austin. With only one week of school remaining, my most urgent task is to complete the eligibility process for gifted education so that we can notify the parents of these students. Standards of Learning (SOL) testing, later than in previous years, has severely impeded the gifted education eligibility process. Multiple criteria are used to determine eligibility for gifted education services. The servers, burdened as they were with SOL on-line testing, were operating at a snail's pace as teachers attempted to enter data and return students' behavioral scales in a timely fashion. An eligibility decision cannot be made until we have input from teachers and parents in addition to portfolios and the hard data from standardized testing. I have been working out of two offices--my regular office at the Instructional Services Center and my temporary office at our Laboratory School for the Academically Gifted--and have been staying late and even bringing files home. I left all of it at work this weekend where I'll face it on Monday, June 8.


June 28 - July 3 Houston Hotel - Ankara

July 4 - July 5 Dinler Hotel - Cappacocia

July 6 Dedeman Konya

July 7 - July 9 The Marmara Antayla

July 10 Happy Hotel - Kalkan

July 11 Ata Park Hotel - Fethiye

July 12 - 15 Charisma Hotel - Kusadasi

July 16 Nazlihan Hotel - Assos

July 17 Kolin Hotel - Canakkale

July 18 - 25 Richmond Hotel - Istanbul

Itinerary June 24 - July 26, 2009

June 24, 2009 - Delta flight from Norfolk to Austin, TX

June 25 - 26, 2009 - Pre-departure orientation (PDO), University of Texas, directed by Christopher Rose, Assistant Director for The Center for Middle Eastern Studies

June 27, 2009 - Delta from Austin to Atlanta, NYC-Kennedy to Istanbul

June 28 - July 3, 2009 - Ankara, Turkey

July 4 - 18, 2009 - Southwestern Turkey cultural tour

July 18 - 25, 2009 - Istanbul, Turkey

July 26, 2009 - Delta from Istanbul to NYC-Kennedy to Norfolk